
This shortcode generates and displays breadcrumbs based on the current page or post. It has one attribute:

   – `separator`: Defines the character or string used to separate the breadcrumbs (default is `»`).


This shortcode exports the leads associated with the current user to a CSV file. There are no attributes for this shortcode.


This shortcode displays a form for users to edit their profile information, including their first name, last name, website URL, and biography. The following attributes can be used:

   – `savedclass`: Sets the CSS class for the success message displayed after updating the profile.

   – `buttonclass`: Sets the CSS class for the submit button.

   – `inputclass`: Sets the CSS class for the input fields in the form.


This shortcode displays the Gravatar image for the current user’s email address along with a notification and a link to Gravatar.com to update the Gravatar. There are no attributes for this shortcode.


This shortcode lists all pages with the tag ‘funnel-page’ and displays them in a layout specified by the class attributes. The attributes for this shortcode are:

– `mainclass`: The class attribute for the main container (default: ‘is-layout-flex wp-container-4 wp-block-columns’).

– `singleclass`: The class attribute for the single page container (default: ‘is-layout-flow wp-block-column’).

– `linkclass`: The class attribute for the page link (default: ”).

– `inputclass`: The class attribute for the input field (default: ”).

– `buttontext`: The text to display in the button (default: ‘Preview’).

– `buttonclass`: The class attribute for the button (default: ”).


This shortcode generates a list of leads for the current user. It shows a table with columns for first name, email address, referrer, and date added. The attributes for this shortcode are the same as the dbp_lead_form shortcode, but they are not used in the code provided.


This shortcode generates a form for submitting leads. The form includes fields for first name, email address, and two hidden fields for lead referrer and lead page. The attributes for this shortcode are:

  • fnametext (default: First Name:): Customizes the label for the first name field.
  • emailtext (default: Email Address:): Customizes the label for the email field.
  • inputclass (default: ''): Adds a custom CSS class to form input fields for styling.
  • buttonclass (default: ''): Adds a custom CSS class to the submit button for styling.
  • buttontext (default: Submit): Customizes the text displayed on the submit button.
  • redirect (default: ''): Determines the URL to redirect users to after form submission.
  • mailmintlistid (default: fetched from dbp_mailmint_lead_list_id option): Specifies the default list ID for Mailmint integration, which can be overridden.
  • redirectreferid (default: false): Appends the referral ID to the redirect URL after submission.
  • field_order (default: first_name,email): Determines the order of fields displayed in the form.
  • placeholder (default: false): Decides whether to use placeholders in form fields instead of labels.

Here’s an example of how you can use the shortcode with custom attributes:

  fnametext="Your First Name"
  emailtext="Your Email"
  buttontext="Join Now"


This shortcode displays a login form for users who are not logged in. It accepts four attributes:

– `mainclass`: The CSS class to be applied to the main form element (optional).

– `inputclass`: The CSS class to be applied to the input fields (optional).

– `buttontext`: The text to be displayed on the submit button (default is “Log In”).

– `buttonclass`: The CSS class to be applied to the submit button (optional).

– `redirect`: Ability to redirect the user after login in to a specific page.


This shortcode displays a button that allows the currently logged-in user to export their referral list as a CSV file. There are no attributes for this shortcode.

[dbp_custom_link buttonclass="value" text="value" program="value"]

The dbp_custom_link shortcode creates a custom link based on the specified affiliate program. It supports several attributes to customize the behavior and appearance of the link.


  • buttonclass: (optional)
    The CSS class to be applied to the link. This allows you to style the link as a button or any other style defined in your CSS.
  • text:
    The text to be displayed in the link. This is the visible part of the link that users will click on.
  • program:
    The program name that should be used to fetch the link URL from the referral_field_affiliate_programs option. This ties the link to a specific affiliate program configured in your settings.
  • target: (optional)
    Allows you to specify where to open the linked document. Commonly used value is _blank to open the link in a new tab.
  • linkonly: (default: false)
    If set to true, the shortcode will output only the URL of the link without any HTML wrapping it. This is useful when you need just the URL for other purposes.
  • autoredirect: (default: false)
    If set to true, the page will automatically redirect to the URL when it loads. This can be useful for automatic forwarding to affiliate offers.
  • customlink: (optional)
    Allows you to set a custom URL while still using the DBP_AFFUID replacement value. This is useful for affiliate programs with multiple landing pages or custom tracking URLs.
  • addreferid: (default: false)
    If set to true, the shortcode will append the referrer ID to the URL. This is useful for passing the referrer information to the next site.

Example usage:

[dbp_custom_link text="Click here" program="example_program" buttonclass="btn-primary" target="_blank" addreferid="true"]