
This shortcode displays a login form for users who are not logged in. It accepts four attributes: – `mainclass`: The CSS class to be applied to the main form element (optional). – `inputclass`: The CSS class to be applied to the input fields (optional)....


This shortcode displays a button that allows the currently logged-in user to export their referral list as a CSV file. There are no attributes for this shortcode.


This shortcode checks whether the user is logged in or not. If the user is logged in, it will display the content wrapped by the shortcode. If the user is not logged in, it will display a message stating, “You need to be logged in to view this content.”...

[dbp_show_currentuser_details show="value"]

This shortcode displays the specified details of the current logged-in user. It accepts one attribute: – `show`: The property of the user object to be displayed (e.g., “user_login”, “user_email”, “first_name”,...