
by | Jul 11, 2023


  • Added MailChimp autoresponder integration for leads and users
  • Commented out the GetResponse oAuth option to make room for the GetResponse API integration


  • Added GetResponse API Integration – Instead of oAuth 2.0, you can now also connect to GetResponse using your API key. This is the preferred method to connect to GetResponse with the DBP plugin.
  • Improved edit profile form shortcode: when changes are amde they are now visible on reload while before users had to reload to see the changes which didn’t make sense.
  • Fixed: funnel tracking link generator inputclass and buttonclass not working.


  • Removed documentation from plugin
  • Added BulkEmailChecker lead verification for dbp_lead_form and dbp_registration_form
  • Added Google ReCaptcha V3 for dbp_lead_form and dbp_registration_form
  • Added Notifications for new leads, new users, and new user details. Shortcode: dbp_user_notification_preferences – Parameters: buttonclass, inputclass, newleadtext, newusertext, buttontext
  • Improved admin settings: split tabs in different files for easier usage
  • Improved dbp_login_form: added redirect after login parameter
  • Improved dbp_lead_form: added redirectreferid parameter so that after login the referid is still part of the url
  • Improved wp_registration_form_handler function: now automatically logs in user after signing up
  • Improved dbp_custom_link: added addreferid parameter which appends the referid to the affiliate URL
  • Improved dbp_affiliate_program_form: added placeholder and buttontext parameters
  • Fixed dbp_lead_export: shortcode now displays a link that downloads the current logged in users’s leads to CSV.
  • Fixed dbp_custom_link: when the customlink parameter was set the custom url did not show up.
  • Removed previously turned off dbp_your_sponsor_shortcode


  • Added redirect referid to the lead form – Added new parameters to custom_link: target, linkonly, autoredirect, customlink
  • Added pagination to lead_list
  • Added pagination to referral_list
  • Added GET ID via url to dbp_show_sponsor_details_shortcode so it allows to work outside the members area as well
  • Added dbp_display_logged_in_username allowing to display the current logged in username (e.g. to show their referral url in the members area like[dbp_display_logged_in_username]


  • Introduced MailMin autoresponder integration
  • Updated autoresponders for better ease of use
  • Improved autoresponder submission handling
  • Added required to form fields (minus First Name lead form field)


  • Added WooCommerce Integration
  • Added BuddyPress Integration
  • Added bbPress integration
  • Improved GetResponse Integration
  • Added GetResponse dayOfCycle value to start the autoresponders
  • Fixed and optimized dbp_affiliate_program_getsponsorvalue_shortcode


  • Added Autoresponder tab to settings page
  • Added AWeber integration for leads and user syncing to their respective lists
  • Added GetResponse integration for leads and user syncing to their respective lists


  • Added leaderboard
  • Enhanced shortodes
  • Improved registration form
  • Implemented funnel pages checkbox for pages

1.0.0 – Initial Release