Setting up BulkEmailChecker

by | Aug 2, 2024

In this tutorial, we will go through the steps to configure the BulkEmailChecker integration in the admin settings of the Downline Builder Plugin. This feature allows you to validate emails of leads and users, ensuring that you only work with high-quality contacts.

Step 1: Access Admin Settings

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Downline Builder Plugin Settings.

Step 2: Go to the Integration Tab

  1. Click on the Integration Tab at the top of the settings page. This is where various integrations like BulkEmailChecker can be configured.

Step 3: Enable BulkEmailChecker

  1. Locate the “Enabled Integrations” Section: Here you will see a list of integrations available for activation.
  2. Check the Box for Bulk Email Checker: Ensure that the checkbox next to Bulk Email Checker is checked. This will activate the integration.

Step 4: Enter Your BulkEmailChecker API Key

  1. Locate the API Key Field: There will be a field labeled “Bulk Email Checker Key” or similar.
  2. Input Your API Key: Insert your valid BulkEmailChecker API key into this field. This key authenticates your requests to the BulkEmailChecker API.

Step 5: Configure Email Checking Options

In the same section, you will see options regarding email checks for leads and users:

  1. Check Leads:
    • If you want to validate the email addresses of leads, check the box labeled Check Leads.
  2. Check Members:
    • If you wish to validate emails for user registrations, check the box labeled Check Members.

These options allow you to control whether to validate emails during lead capture or user registration.

Step 6: Save Changes

  1. Save the Settings: Once you have filled in your API key and selected your desired options, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Save Changes button.Save Changes Button

Step 7: Test the Integration

  1. After saving, it’s a good practice to test the BulkEmailChecker integration:
    • Try signing up as a user or capturing a lead with a known email address (valid and invalid) to ensure that the email validation works as expected.

You have now configured the BulkEmailChecker integration in the admin settings of the Downline Builder Plugin. This setup helps you maintain a clean email list by filtering out invalid addresses, enhancing the overall quality of your leads and users.

If you run into any issues or need further assistance, please refer to the plugin documentation or reach out for support!